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Author:GUITAR group
Last Updated:November 2, 2016, 21:28:04, CDT
Size:234 Events, 9881 LOC
 Rachota is an application for personal timetracking of projects ( This benchmark is based on Rachota version 2.3, the lastest version as of March, 2010. We downloaded this version of Rachota, obtained its GUI structured using the GUIRipper, generated its Event-Flow Graph (EFG), and used the EFG to generate all possible test cases of length 1 and 2. We executed all the test cases on an instrumented version of Rachota, and collected code coverage reports (xml and html), GUI state files (called oracle files), and test logs. All these artifacts are bundled in this benchmark.
 Downloaded from:
 Source code: aut/src
 Binary: aut/bin
 Instrumented binary: aut/inst
 Benchmark readme: README.txt
 Shared configurations: scripts/autscripts/layout
 Rip application: scripts/
 Get EFG model: scripts/
 Generate test cases: scripts/tc-gen-l1.shscripts/
 Execute test cases: scripts/replay-l1.shscripts/
Length-1 Test Suite
 Test cases: testsuites/length-1/testcases.tar.gz
 Coverage report: testsuites/length-1/coverage.tar.gz
 Log files: testsuites/length-1/logs.tar.gz
 Oracle files: testsuites/length-1/oracles.tar.gz
Length-2 Test Suite
 Test cases: testsuites/length-2/testcases.tar.gz
 Coverage report: testsuites/length-2/coverage.tar.gz
 Log files: testsuites/length-2/logs.tar.gz
 Oracle files: testsuites/length-2/oracles.tar.gz
Intermediate artifacts
 Event-flow graph (EFG): models/Rachota.EFG.xml
 GUI structure: models/Rachota.GUI.xml
 GUITAR application specific configuration: guitar-config/configuration.xml
 Initial coverage data file: coverage
BibTeX for Reference
 Bibtex file: bibtex/guitar.benchmarks.bib
 Operating system: Linux version 2.6.31-19-generic (Ubuntu 9.10)
 JDK (with JRE): Java 1.6 update 15
 GUI environment: Gnome 2.28.0
 GUITAR: tools/guitar
 Cobertura: tools/cobertura